Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Topic 11 - cell hphone etiquette

Task 1
The results from the quiz said that I knew proper cellphone etiquette, but that i just didn't use it all the time. Although it said that, it also said that with practice, i would have it down in no time.

Task 2
I read the rules on cell phone etiquette.

Task 3
Honestly, I really loved my service learning. I LOVE little kids in the months to the 4's. The instructors were very clear about how things should be done, such as holding the babies, feeding them, playing with them, etc. The really emphasized on not holding the baby all day, so that the baby didn't expect to be held all day. They taught me about not just letting the toddlers play with toys, but also reading books to them and showing them the pictures, etc. All of the supervisors were very professional and nice, wich are definitely qualities that I want to have in myself if I am ever a supervisor in the future. They also seemed to really just love kids, wich is a very good thing. It sounds crazy, but there are people who get into childcare who don't like kids. God only knows why. Also, My supervisors handled some of my, probably, stupid questions very well with straight up answers, which is good and is also another quality that I would like to be able to see in myself.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time management - topic 6

TASK 1 reading

7:30 - wake up
7:32 - some a cigarette
7:40 - straighten my hair
7:55 - change
8:05 - brush my teeth
8:08 - run out the door, grabbing food, lighting a cigarette, getting in the car.
8:15 - get to walmart
8:35 - get on the bus.

Before you go to bed at night, you tell your self that you're going to get up when you're alarm goes off, and that you're not going to hit the snooze. In the morning when you wake up, you're really tired, and you hit the snooze!! There are ways to avoid this problem. If you set you're alarm, say an hour before you're actually supposed to get up, and then when you wake up, set your alarm for 20 minutes later, etc. By doing this, you will be ready to get up by the time you finally have to, because you're not dead asleep. Although it's good to be able to say goodbye to the snooze button, if that's what you like, then I can tell you someways to be able to hit the snooze, and still be ready to walk out the door on time, or before! Say you picked out your clothes the night before, and you made your lunch while you were making dinner. That would probably cut off about 20 to 30 minutes in the morning! Another good way to cut off your time getting ready in the morning, is to already know exactly where you are going, making sure that the directions that you have are correct.

If you find yourself overwhelmed with obligations, have no fear! You need to make some time for you to relax and to be able to wind down at the end of a long and stress full day. Maybe take a long hot shower, or get in a bubble bath. Some people enjoy exercising, or watching T.V. Anything that will work for you will do! You just have to make sure that you make some time for YOU in your busy schedule, because if you don't, you may loose focus or determination from exhaustion.


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