Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Topic 4: Identifying Your Learning Style

Module 101
Lesson 6 Name: Laura Poss Date: 3/31

Learning Styles Modality Preference Inventory

Read each statement and select the appropriate number response as it applies to you.
Often (3) Sometimes (2) Seldom/Never (1)


Visual Modality
3 I remember information better if I write it down.
3 Looking at the person helps keep me focused.
2 I need a quiet place to get my work done.
1 When I take a test, I can see the textbook page in my head.
2 I need to write down directions, not just take them verbally.
2 Music or background noise distracts my attention from the task at hand.
1 I don’t always get the meaning of a joke.
1 I doodle and draw pictures on the margins of my notebook pages.
2 I have trouble following lectures.
1 I react very strongly to colors.
18 Total

Auditory Modality
2 My papers and notebooks always seem messy.
1 When I read, I need to use my index finger to track my place on the line.
1 I do not follow written directions well.
2 If I hear something, I will remember it.
1 Writing has always been difficult for me.
1 I often misread works from the text (e.g., “them” for “then”).
2 I would rather listen and learn than read and learn.
2 I’m not very good at interpreting an individual’s body language
1 Pages with small print or poor quality copies are difficult for me to read.
1 My eyes tire quickly, even though my vision check-up is always fine.
14 Total

Kinesthetic/Tactile Modality
2 I start a project before reading the directions.
2 I hate to sit at a desk for long periods of time.
1 I prefer first to see something done and then to do it myself.
2 I use the trial and error approach to problem solving.
1 I like to read my textbook while riding an exercise bike.
2 I take frequent study breaks.
1 I have a difficult time giving step-by-step instructions.
2 I enjoy sports and do well at several different types of sports.
2 I use my hands when describing things.
1 I have to rewrite or type my class notes to reinforce the material.
16 Total

Name: Laura Poss


How Do You Learn? Profile Description
The Visual Learner

Visual learners draw mental pictures when trying to remember things. They learn best by looking at pictures, graphs, charts, and designs. Visual learners usually absorb information best from books and class notes and by translating ideas into visual formats. Color-coding works well for visual learners. So does writing information on flashcards and highlighting key concepts.

The Auditory Learner

Auditory learners learn best when they hear spoken words. They focus best by listening and by verbalizing concepts out loud. Auditory learners probably learn a lot from lectures and class discussions. Taping lectures and discussions works well. So does reading study notes out loud and stating math problem and concepts verbally.

The Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner

Tactile and kinesthetic learners benefit most from “hands-on” activities. They usually clarify ideas by writing them down and understand formulas by manipulating them. Tactile/ kinesthetic learners learn best in laboratory settings and by doing fieldwork and class demonstrations. Making models to illustrate concepts works well. So does typing information on the computer, reorganizing material in different ways, and taping class lectures and listening to them during exercise.

Making Your Learning Style Work for You

Once you have figured out the way you learn, you will need to use specific strategies to help you with your way of learning. For example, if you are a visual learner, you could visual materials such as pictures or charts to help you learn and retain information.

Below are some practical suggestions for the various types of learners:


Visual Learners:
· Use visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps, graphs, etc.
· Have a clear view of your teachers when you are speaking so you can see their body language and facial expression.
· Use color to highlight important points in text.
· Take notes or ask your teacher to provide handouts.
· Illustrate your ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubbles before writing them down.
· Write a story and illustrate it.
· Use multi-media (e.g.. computers, videos, etc.).
· Study in a quiet place away from auditory disturbances.
· Read illustrated books.
· Visualize information as a picture to aid memorization.

Auditory Learners:
· Participate in class discussions/debates.
· Make speeches and presentations.
· Use a tape recorder during lectures instead of taking notes.
· Read text out aloud.
· Create musical jingles or raps to aid memorization.
· Create mnemonics to aid memorization.
· Discuss your ideas verbally.
· Dictate to someone while they write down your thoughts.
· Use verbal analogies and storytelling to demonstrate your point.

Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners:
· Take frequent study breaks.
· Move around to learn new things (e.g., read while on an exercise bike, mold a piece of clay to learn a new concept).
· Work at a standing position.
· Chew while studying.
· Use bright colors to highlight reading material.
· Dress up your work space with posters.
· If you wish, listen to music while you study.
· Skim though reading material to get a rough idea of what it’s about before settling down to read it in detail.

Learning Styles Work Plan

Use the space below to create your personalized work plan for the subjects listed. Include at least two strategies for each subject that could be used for the different learning style types. Use your handouts and
www.studygs.net as resources when researching strategies.


Your primary learning style: Visual

Math -
. Look at graphs
. Use flash cards

English -
. Illustrate stories I write
. Visualize the story as it’s happening

Social Studies -
. Be able to see the teacher while they’re teaching
. Color code my notes as a re write them

Science -

. Study in a quite place
. Read the book

Second Language
. Read illustrated books
. Highlight Spanish word when writing translations

Elective: physical education
. Draw picture of exercise
. Ask for a handout of the material she’s teaching so I can read it while she’s talking


At first, I have to admit that I did not expect to enjoy my service learning placement, just for the fact that it was at my school, but I really and honestly do love it. I learn something new almost every time that I go there. Something that I have learned the past few weeks is that with the babies and even the toddlers, you can't hold them every time they cry, because they then learn that they can get away with anything that they want to. Also, you have to respect the wishes of the people, women in my case, because they have feelings and thoughts about how you should respond to the children, and that's just something that you have to respect.
Everyday I go into my internship is a positive experience for me. I can't say that I absolutely love the sound of a baby shrieking, but hey, what can you do. It is a daycare after all with very small children. My learning style that I found in the above survey type thing can help me because if i didn't understand how to free a piece of food from a choking child's mouth, I could be able to look at a poster on the wall and clearly understand. I'm sure that if that were to happen, I would already know because the teachers have informed me of this already, but I'm just giving an example.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

topic 7 - creating your resume

Volunteer jobs:
Athens Humane Society
retirement home on N Hull
Paid jobs:
On a farm close to my house
Stevie B's Pizza Buffets

Given the above jobs that I've worked, I've acquired the following work skills:
people etiquette
cleaning and sanitizing skills
cooking skills
animal cleanliness
spraying round-up
cutting grass
cleaning tables

Laura Poss
435 Millstone Circle, Athens, GA, 30605

· Cedar Shoals High School
· Classic City High School

· Young Child Care
· Restaurant work


Stevie B’s Pizza Buffet
9/08 - Present
· Cash register
· Cutting pizzas
· Buffet cleaning and organizing
· Greeting and talking to customers


· Non-fluent Spanish

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Topic 9 - attitudes

I read the poem on attitudes.

1. The question that I was asked is a bit of a hard one to honestly answer, but I will put aside pride and try my best. when I was younger, my attitude highly reflected by mood and I actually thought that those two aspects went hand in hand. Now that I'm older and more mature, I've learned how to, for the most part, control my attitude, regardless of my emotions and my mood. An example of this is when I work. Even if I'm mad or sad, I have to control how I act and my attitude, but it's just not appropriate to bring personal things to public places, such as work. My reactions to situations in life are probably about equal in the way of them being positive and negative. i mean, when the situation is going on, say at home, I won't try to control my emotions and attitude, although they may be expressed as smaller or not to the extent I feel them inside.

2. I will have to admit that in my job, there is definitely some improvement that could be made. I didn't mean to make it sound like I can hold it together all the time at work, because I'm not perfect. Sometimes there is this one girl that gets on my last nerve, and something that I could improve on is not letting the bad mood that I let her get me in affect the way a handle and treat the customers and coworkers. In my service learning, honestly, those little kids don't set me off. Although that's true, I could make some improvement in the area of not getting attached to the children. My attitude is very lovey-dovey with these children, and it's not a good idea for you and their mothers to get like that with little children, or older children for that matter.

3. I'm the type of person who is very affected by the thoughts and feelings of others. I have gotten worlds better with not caring, but I still do let the attitudes of my family of friends get the better of my sometimes. Sometimes it's a good thing. Say my boyfriend was mad at me or upset with me, and because of that I was able to look at what I was doing wrong, and not only realize my flaw this time, but also try not to do it in the future. When I was younger though, Say a certain girl had an approving attitude towards me, I might have tried to change the way I really was. It's not like I was wrong or flawed, I just wasn't what she wanted or liked, and it wasn't okay with me at the time.