Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Topic 9 - attitudes

I read the poem on attitudes.

1. The question that I was asked is a bit of a hard one to honestly answer, but I will put aside pride and try my best. when I was younger, my attitude highly reflected by mood and I actually thought that those two aspects went hand in hand. Now that I'm older and more mature, I've learned how to, for the most part, control my attitude, regardless of my emotions and my mood. An example of this is when I work. Even if I'm mad or sad, I have to control how I act and my attitude, but it's just not appropriate to bring personal things to public places, such as work. My reactions to situations in life are probably about equal in the way of them being positive and negative. i mean, when the situation is going on, say at home, I won't try to control my emotions and attitude, although they may be expressed as smaller or not to the extent I feel them inside.

2. I will have to admit that in my job, there is definitely some improvement that could be made. I didn't mean to make it sound like I can hold it together all the time at work, because I'm not perfect. Sometimes there is this one girl that gets on my last nerve, and something that I could improve on is not letting the bad mood that I let her get me in affect the way a handle and treat the customers and coworkers. In my service learning, honestly, those little kids don't set me off. Although that's true, I could make some improvement in the area of not getting attached to the children. My attitude is very lovey-dovey with these children, and it's not a good idea for you and their mothers to get like that with little children, or older children for that matter.

3. I'm the type of person who is very affected by the thoughts and feelings of others. I have gotten worlds better with not caring, but I still do let the attitudes of my family of friends get the better of my sometimes. Sometimes it's a good thing. Say my boyfriend was mad at me or upset with me, and because of that I was able to look at what I was doing wrong, and not only realize my flaw this time, but also try not to do it in the future. When I was younger though, Say a certain girl had an approving attitude towards me, I might have tried to change the way I really was. It's not like I was wrong or flawed, I just wasn't what she wanted or liked, and it wasn't okay with me at the time.

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